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The team made up of physicists and engineers (licensed to exercise in the nuclear field - level II) uses state-of-the-art, non-invasive measurement and control equipment to verify the operation of the x-ray equipment in optimal conditions and the quality of the shielding radiological laboratories

  1. Consultancy î in the field of radiation protection and control of the quality and quantity of radiation provided by an expert appointed by CNCAN
  2. Effectiveness verification of radiation protection screens and release of Area Dosimetric Bulletin
  3. Elaboration of Radioprotection Calculation Brief î in order to set up a new radiological laboratory
  4. Elaboration of documentation in order to obtain the various authorizations necessary for the legal operation of radiological laboratories, authorizations issued by the institutions that regulate the field, respectively the National Commission for the Control of Nuclear Activity, the Directorate of Public Health – Ionizing Radiation Hygiene Laboratory
  5. Development of documentation î in order to obtain the various authorizations necessary for the commercialization under legal conditions of radiological installations, authorizations issued by the institutions that regulate the field, respectively the Commission National for the Control of Nuclear Activity and the Ministry of Health
  6. Documentation expertise and issuance of Expertise and Acceptance Declaration by C.N.C.A.N. level III accredited expert
  7. Organization of radiological protection courses with CNCAN approval in order to obtain the CNCAN Level I and II permit
  8. Documentation expertise and issuance of Expertise and Acceptance Declaration by level III expert appointed by C.N.C.A.N.

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We provide the best value for our customers by continuously refining our processes and cost structure.

Types of authorizations for which we provide consultancy:

  1. Location Authorization – Construction – issued by C.N.C.A.N.
  2. Import Authorization – issued by C.N.C.A.N.
  3. Sanitary Notice of Placement – Construction – released by D.S.P. – L.I.R.I.
  4. Radiological Security Authorization – issued by C.N.C.A.N.
  5. Authorization of Use – issued by C.N.C.A.N.
  6. Supply Authorization – issued by C.N.C.A.N.

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