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Method of examining the resistance of a structure or part without the need for disassembly or destruction. Authorizations: ISCIR; SREN; ASME


Non-destructive Testing with Liquid Penetrants (LP)


Penetrant testing (PT) involves applying a liquid with good penetrating qualities to the surface under examination to detect surface discontinuities and highlighting them by contrast using a developer. This examination highlights surface-open discontinuities such as pores, cracks, overlaps, marginal ridges, delaminations, craters, non-penetrations, etc. The examination can be performed on all types of solid materials with appropriate roughness, metallic or non-metallic.

Equipment: Block P1, Luxmeter, UV meter, Thermometer


Heat Treatments


Heat Treatment is a technological process through which the material of a product acquires new properties. This process consists of three stages carried out successively: Heating, Holding, and Cooling. All three stages are carried out gradually up to a certain temperature calculated based on the material composition of the product to be subjected to heat treatment.

Equipment: Transformer, Network-powered heat treatment unit, Temperature programmers, Temperature recorders, Thermocouple welding device, Electric resistors, Various accessories (compensation cable, resistor power supply cables, etc.), Utility vehicle equipped for heat treatments


Non-destructive Testing by Visual Examination


Visual examination (VT) consists of visually inspecting the product or the area to be examined. This aims to detect surface discontinuities, technological errors, the condition of surfaces, and the product in general, etc. Based on the indications provided by this examination, logical assumptions can be made about the manufacturing technology errors, the type, and density of discontinuities inside. This examination is used before any technological operations and before all non-destructive examinations.

Equipment: Calipers, Ruler, Magnifying glass, Endoscope, Welding calipers


Non-destructive Testing with Ultrasonics (US)


Ultrasonic testing (UT) is based on the laws of propagation, reflection, and refraction of ultrasonic waves when they encounter discontinuities in the material. Ultrasonic waves are emitted and received, by reflection from discontinuities, with transducers (probes). The reflected signals are displayed through an amplitude-distance representation system (time). Most discontinuities inside the material can be highlighted. The examination is applied to various metallic and non-metallic materials.

Equipment: US PHASOR XS apparatus, Thickness measuring apparatus - DM5 and USMGO, A1,A2,A3 reference blocks, Reference blocks


Non-destructive Testing with Magnetic Powders (PM)


Magnetic powder testing consists of interpreting the magnetic field lines created by magnetizing the part or the area under examination. The magnetic field is highlighted with dry magnetic powders or in suspension. This examination highlights open surface discontinuities and those closed but located in the immediate vicinity of the surface up to a usual depth of 3-4 mm. The examination is applied to ferromagnetic materials with appropriate roughness.

Equipment: AC and DC magnetic yoke, Luxmeter, UV meter, Sprays: Fluorescent and black powder, UV lamp, Berthold standard, Standard weight, Thermometer


Non-destructive Testing with X-ray Generators


This is a non-destructive testing method used for volumetric detection of discontinuities in materials and welds. It uses penetrating radiation and, at the same time, radiographic films for recording support.

Equipment: X-ray generator: YXPO 225, Negatoscope, Developing machine, Densitometer


Non-destructive Testing with Gamma Defectoscopy/Gamma Radiography Installations


Penetrant testing is based on the physical phenomenon of the attenuation of X-ray or GAMMA rays beams as they pass through the surrounding materials. These rays, when exiting the material under inspection, impress a radiographic film differently in areas with discontinuities compared to the rest of the material. This examination is complex in terms of occupational safety. Most discontinuities inside the material can be highlighted. The examination is usually applied to metallic materials.

Equipment: Gamma defectoscopy/gamma radiography installations: GammaMat SE; GammaMat TSI-3/1; OSERIX RID Se4P, Negatoscope, Developing machine, Densitometer, Standard density scale



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